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Помогите настроить CCBill Account Grouping в ссbille

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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 03/07/06 в 19:06       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Эта та фишка, когда не надо адвертам регестрироваться под каждым саб аккаунтом отдельно, а они могут слать траф на главный саб аккаунт добавляя лишь в конце нужный урл платника.

CCBill Account Grouping

When enabled, your Affiliates can direct traffic to your subaccount Affiliate Programs. The option is only available in the "0000" CCBill subaccount or main account. When disabled, all new Affiliates will have to individually signup for each subaccount's Affiliate Program.

Refer to the Affiliate Directs Setup Guide to learn how to setup Multiple Redirects for your Affiliate Program. Multiple Redirects will direct traffic to all your subaccount websites if CCBill Account Grouping is enabled.

Ладно тут всё понятно, идём далее настраивать аккаунт гроупинг по указаной ссылке.

To Set Affiliate Directs

1. Create a banner page for your Affiliates, and host it on your website. The banner page should have separate banners for all of your sites.

2. Place a redirect link next to each banner for your Affiliates. The link should include an HTML variable appended to the end of it. The value of this variable should be the URL for the site where you will redirect surfers.

http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks .cgi?CA=900000-0000&PA=xxxxxx&HTML=http://www.yourwebsite.com.

To modify the link for your site, copy the code shown above. Replace "900000-0000" with your main account number and subaccount number . Replace "http://www.yourwebsite.com" with the domain name of the site's redirect link. On the banner page you set up in Step 1, inform your Affiliates that they need to replace "xxxxxx" with their CCBill Affiliate ID.

3. Go to the Modify Subaccount area of the Account Admin in the Tools section and select View Subaccount List. In the View Subaccount List, select subaccount number "0000", which is the subaccount for your main account.

4. Go to the System Setup page of the Setup area in the Affiliate section and configure your Affiliate Program defaults. CCBill recommends that you remove all banner URLs and only have the Banner Farm URL filled out. The Banner Farm URL is the web location of the banner page you set up in Step 1. This way, you will only display the banner page for your Affiliates who log in and request your banners and links. The Affiliates will not be shown any extraneous information.

5. Once your Affiliate Program defaults are configured, click into Advanced Features from the Setup area and enable Multiple Redirects and CCBill Account Grouping .

Вот тут не очень понятно с первым шагом. Можно ли не создавать эту страницу с банерами ? Можно просто сразу адвертам давать линк данный в шаге 2 ? Разумеется настроив перед этим остальные шаги.

Заранее спасибо.

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