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Promote Nifty Stats using our affiliate system and .....

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С нами с 21.06.04
Сообщения: 95
Рейтинг: 7

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 27/01/10 в 18:08       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Promote Nifty Stats using our affiliate system and we will pay you:


More advantages:
Cookies are valid for 90 days!
Paying the provision without any fees!
Payments through PayPal!
One referral link for both Free and Pro version!
Ready marketing tools ( various banner dimensions )
You can track your affiliate stats right in your Nifty Stats!

If you are an affiliate program or advertising network and if you are included in Nifty Stats database, then you can put a banner saying NIFTY STATS COMPATIBLE on your web site and let webmasters know, that your system is supported by Nifty Stats.
So they will see that your are compatible and they can buy or download Nifty Stats using your referral link.

This way you will be paid for every new user of Nifty Stats Free or for every sold Nifty Stats Pro.


If you use Nifty Stats Free and Pro already:
1. Login to members section ( https://secure.niftystats.com/member-section.php ) and click in the top menu on Affiliate Program
2. Fill out the details
3. ... and you can start promoting Nifty Stats right away!

If you aren’t using Nifty Stats (you aren’t registered yet):
1. Click here: https://secure.niftystats.com/new-free.php and fill out all the details
2. After registration you will receive an e-mail and you can log into members section
3. Click on Affiliate Porgram and fill out the details
4. … and you can promote us!

full info: http://www.niftystats.com/promote-our-product.html

Nifty Stats team


С нами с 30.01.09
Сообщения: 257
Рейтинг: 209

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 27/01/10 в 19:53       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

You'd better pay via Epassporte, not via PayPal.

DIAMONDGAYS.COM - fresh twinks!


С нами с 21.06.04
Сообщения: 95
Рейтинг: 7

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 28/01/10 в 12:59       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

we preparing epass as payment option

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