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С нами с 30.04.09
Сообщения: 1610
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 01/05/09 в 11:14       Ответить с цитатойцитата 


Hi, My name is Trixy and I play hooker in Need for Fuck “Most Wanted”. Make sure you do all the nasty fucking indoors, outdoors leave your pants on and behave responsibly. And wear a condom!

A newbie hooker

Trixy arrived to Hollywang with only one dream – to fuck hard as hell as she loved to fuck and new she was the best. She was a young girl of 19 with beautiful long red hair, tits you would never want to leave and an ass you‘d like to touch all day long…or simply watch and be happy that you see it. The sun was shining, the weather was hot, yeah…so she decided to have a walk in this new city. Having walked a few blocks of Lux class sex shops and brothels of all kinds she put an eye on a small office with a fuck-me-gently-hold-me-tight placard type. It differed greatly from what she saw before. There was a man standing with his pants off, inviting to suck his dick. Nothing extraordinary from the first sight but Trixy noticed that his dick was sticking out of the placard as a real piece of meat. She came up closer and looked at it. Oh it was a good one...despite the fact that it was plastic. Trixy held it and enjoyed the way it fit her palm. She smiled and decided to enter but the doorplate said “CLOSED! Come back at 7 pm for the forthcoming competition meeting.” She made a sad sigh, her breast moved seductively under the pretty little dress she was wearing. “At least I know where to go in the evening, - she smiled. “This should be fun”.

если нужен адалт контент, отписывайтесь, стучитесь 5516восемь229четыре
насчет тематик... - по потребности договоримся.


С нами с 21.08.05
Сообщения: 2586
Рейтинг: 521

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 01/05/09 в 18:10       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

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