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С нами с 10.07.07
Сообщения: 170
Рейтинг: 24

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 13/01/09 в 15:24       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Скиньте, пожалуйста, ссылку русскую доку по прикручиванию ATX к морде.

Сам скрипт установлен. Спасибо.

Последний раз редактировалось: infobank (13/01/09 в 22:18), всего редактировалось 1 раз


.:GLX Group:.

С нами с 17.05.07
Сообщения: 693
Рейтинг: 752

Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 13/01/09 в 17:01       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

ATX3? может AT3?
(для AT3 меняешь atx->at3)
tracking incoming hits

To track incoming hits, you need to place the following code in your index.shtml file
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/atx/in.cgi" -->
for php mainpages use
<?php virtual ("/cgi-bin/atx/in.cgi"); ?>
s=70% - surfer has 70% chance to see a gallery (gallery being the url after &u= part)
gr=teens - surfer will see the trades in the group called 'teens' first.
l=LINK - linkname LINK will be stored
c=0 - click pattern 0; the surfer will always get the url defined by &u=
c=2 - click patern x; the surfer will see at least 2 galleries before the &s= skim is used.
&u=http://url.com - the url the surfer could be send to.

The URL must always be at the end of your link!!
This way sponsor urls with tags like &s= and &c= are supported.

Link that sends surfer to http://www.gallery.com everytime he clicks - linkname is gallery
a href="/cgi-bin/atx/out.cgi?s=100&l=gallery&u=http://www.gallery.com"

Link that sends surfer 70% of the times to http://www.gallery.com - linkname is topthumb
a href="/cgi-bin/atx/out.cgi?s=70&l=topthumb&u=http://www.gallery.com"

Link that sends surfer 40% of the times to http://www.gallery.com IF he has seen at least 2 galleries already
a href="/cgi-bin/atx/out.cgi?s=40&c=2&l=topthumb&u=http://www.gallery.com"

Link that sends surfer 100% of the times to a trade. Trades in the group 'babes' are used first
a href="/cgi-bin/atx/out.cgi?s=0&gr=babes&l=topthumb&u=http://www.gallery.com"

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